So many times, I have women messaging me asking about boudoir sessions. And so many times, the reply after I message back is 'I can't afford to spend that on myself'. But really... they question should be... Can you afford NOT too!?
As women, we naturally have a tendency to put others first. To forget our own worth or value. It's a natural instinct that we have, that allows us to be mothers and raise the next generation. But in DOING that... we forget about ourselves! We forget that we are still sexy, and beautiful and a goddess! Too often, we are afraid to spend time and money on ourselves... because we are made to feel like we MUST put others first. But how can you give if your cup is empty? How can we make others feel good about themselves, and raise the next generation happy and secure... if we DON'T take some time for ourselves? To pamper and love ourselves?
I understand spending money on things like a Boudoir session seems like a pure luxury... But can you afford to keep pouring from an empty cup? Absolutely not!
Fill your cup ladies!! Treat yourself! Spend the money... have the pampering... feel that self love again! It is so very important! Life knocks us about. As women especially, we still have so many things to overcome in every day life. So many things that beat us down. Society telling us we must be a size 6. Men looking at the models and leaving us feeling not good enough. Lingerie ads posted everywhere with tiny girls, leaving those that aren't a size 6... feeling fat and not worthy. Photos of busty girls making those with smaller busts feel not womanly. Plus size models leaving slimmer girls feeling boyish.
There are so many battles we have to face as women... to be THE perfect woman. But in reality... the perfect woman is YOU! Exactly as you are!!! Size 6, size 26. Curves, no curves. Big bust, small bust. Pear shape, hourglass, sporty and every other shape. Perky breasts, gravity pulled breasts. Stretch marks, tummy fat and cellulite! We are all PERFECT!!
Honour yourself. Take the leap... treasure who you are... and never forget your worth! Because remember this ladies... the human world would LITERALLY stop without women!! We ARE important! We ARE worthy. We ARE worth it! So now is the time to stop believing that we aren't!!!
To keep up to date with our gorgeous Boudoir sessions... follow our exclusively boudoir instagram & facebook