Should you? Absolutely... 100% YES!!
Now you're probably thinking, of course she'd say that! She's a photographer... she just wants my money! And while, yes, I am a photographer, and I would absolutely love to capture you and your special memories... this is not the reason I suggest to invest in a professional.
These days, with digital cameras, it is so easy for everyone to say they're a photographer. And yes... I 100% know that everyone starts somewhere and that there is a budget to suit every one. I started somewhere.
But a professional is slightly different.
A professional invests in their craft. And boy is it an EXPENSIVE craft!
As a consumer, we only know what we know... right? And it took me sooo long to understand the difference when it came to product knowledge in my industry. I thought at the beginning, that a camera was a camera! It is only after years of research, learning and discovering, that I realise the difference.
But... WHY do I have these expensive things? There are cheaper options out there...right?
Sure there are! And they're GREAT for a startup or a mum that wants to get beautiful photos of her kids. But for me, the gear I invest in, creates so much more. It allows me to edit my images, to make sure they're perfect for you. It allows me to print your images and blow the up onto massive canvasses, wood prints and print them in art books. It means that you are getting the best quality!
A professional not only invests in their gear... they invest in their knowledge. They spend countless hours practicing, trying, failing, and learning... to make sure that they are giving you the best of what they have. Because we understand the importance of having beautiful memories! I can't even tell you the hours I have spent in front of the computer learning and growing my abilities. It blows my mind when I think about it!
A professional also makes sure they have the right insurances. Public Liability. Gear. etc
So... what do I shoot with?
I have 2 Canon 5D MKIV. They are AMAZING!
I also have a number of lenses, which I use for different genres that I shoot.
I have a Sigma Art 24-70mm which is great for portraits and wedding
A Sigma Art 50mm which is great again for portraits and wedding
A 70-200mm which is great for wedding ceremonies
A Canon 100mm Macro for all those gorgeous up close detail shots.
I have computer programs, software and more... and I do this, so I can ensure that the magic I produce for you, is great. So that you can KEEP those memories. And the quality will be amazing!
Professional photographers aren't just people with cameras that take nice photos. I can't tell you the amount of times I've heard 'That's a great pic, you must have a good camera' and while YES... the camera absolutely does make a difference, It is me that has the ability to take such a beautiful photograph.
Photos aren't just pictures. They are memories. Moments in time that we can pass down for generations to come. They are little pieces of magic that help us remember. They're the times we forget, the people that we've loved & lost. They are everything!