What can I say about these two!? They have a bond that is more special than anything I have ever come across before. Their friendship is Pure. Genuine. Real. I am so grateful, that my girl has found someone like Kiara.
Kiki (Kiara) and Soph met 5 years ago. We had recently moved away from domestic violence, knew very few people in the area and were very raw and cautious. A new school for my girl, filled with fear and anticipation. And only a few days in... this relationship would change it all.
Starting out as a quiet kid, Kiki was a lot shyer than Soph. Oh wow how the tides have turned! hahah Now , both full of life, energy and totally crazy... I couldn't ask for a better friend for my girl.
Someone who has her back. Stands up for her like a mumma bear. Defends her. Loves her. Calls her a bitch when she's being one. Loves her more. Always wants the best for her. Wishes her beauty, success and the greatest love. Stands behind her (almost with a cricket bat!) when a boy hurts her, and is VERY strong when a boy shows interest in her.
The truest friend, through and through.
Kiki... Thank you! You are my other daughter (the one that listens and helps hahaha) and I am SO grateful for you!
Never change who you are. You are pure magic. And THANK YOU for showing my girl what a true friend does. The ups and downs. The fights and makeups. The LOVE. The pure, genuine LOVE. The craziness, goofiness, dorkiness and being truly, un-apologetically YOU!
Thank you! I love you both so much <3 With all my heart!