Not even a week after our amazing journey to the sunflower fields, Vanessa & Ben welcomed their gorgeous little man Jeremy Lucas Brown! Born at 7:52am weighing a tiny 5lb 10oz and being 48cm long... Jeremy came in perfectly! For Vanessa & Ben, this was a part of the journey that was incredible and new. With the twins, it was traumatic and scary experience. Born at only 29 weeks and having an extended stay in the NICU, the twins didn't get to experience their first cuddles and skin to skin contact for some time. Being able to hold Jeremy straight away was such a mind blowing experience and one that brought tears to my eyes. They had the amazingly talented Angie from Desire to Inspire capture their birth, and as I scrolled through the images she had taken, an overwhelming sense happiness came over me. To see the love and connection, being able to hold their baby straight away, and experience what they had longed to for so long, just made me happy. In my soul.
Vanessa and Ben have had a nightmare journey to create their perfect family. After 2 IVF rounds to fall pregnant with their twins, they went through the pain of early labour and watching their babies in NICU, struggling and not being able to take them home. Then, almost 2 years later, 6 months of trying on their own, a few cancelled cycles and 6 IVF cycles, this was their last hope. FINALLY, Jeremy decided it was time! They were pregnant again... and praying this time that he would go full term!
Vanessa suffered throughout her whole pregnancy with Hypermesis Gravidarum. She was severely sick through the whole pregnancy, sometimes not able to move. This journey to motherhood certainly hasn't been an easy one, but just shows the love and determination to become parents and the strength to never give up. And boy have they been rewarded! Jeremy is the most divine little being.
Now with their gorgeous family complete, Vanessa & Ben can sit back and enjoy all the thing that parent hood brings. The twins, Anabelle & Zavier, adore Jeremy and are being so helpful! Vanessa is finally able to enjoy being able to breastfeed and have her baby home. Life for this beautiful family is, well... Perfect!
Welcoming Jeremy Lucas Brown. May the world bring you so much happiness little man and I can't wait to watch you grow
Claire xox
Feb 19, 2018, 10:15:51 AM
Claire Oliver - Thank you for including me in your journey! Was such a pleasure to see this magic xo
Feb 17, 2018, 8:28:18 AM
Vanessa - Oh Claire! So surreal reading our story and seeing how far we have come. But we did it!! Thankyou so much for sharing in our happiness and capturing these special moments for us so beautifully! I will treasure them forever!