I often get asked "When is the best time to get my maternity photos taken?" Surely it's right when you're due... right? Nope! Not at all! The best time to have your maternity photographic experience is when you are around 32 - 34 weeks pregnant! Why you ask!? Well there is a few reasons!
1. Your belly is the perfect shape around this time!
Belly's tend to change shape so much during pregnancy. Sometimes, they're more rounded like a basketball... sometimes more tear drop shaped. Sometimes... just all weird shapes (thanks babies!!) but the perfect time to capture those perfect belly moments are around 32-34 weeks. This is generally before your belly drops (and bub engages) so it is a beautifully defined bump!
2. If bub decides to come early... you are much more likely to still make it to this point!
Sometimes babies decide they're done being cooked... and can't wait to meet the big wide world! And if this happens... you don't want to miss out on your maternity experience! Having your session around this time generally ensures that you don't miss out. If bubs want to come early... it is usually only a few weeks :)
3. You don't feel like a waddling duck... Just yet!
We all know just how awkward walking can be during pregnancy. It gets especially hard during those last few weeks when bub decides to engage ready to come! Around 32-34 weeks... usually you can still walk, sit and move... and mostly function haha. You are less likely to feel awkward and uncomfortable.
4. Gives you time to organise your nursery
When you have a maternity photography experience with us... we produce images that can be made into beautiful art work pieces to feature on your walls. What better way to display these gorgeous images, that with our canvass or wood wall features... in the nursery! You can choose your favorite images to put on your walls for all to enjoy. And because these art works take a few weeks to arrive... having them done around this time means they should be arriving just around the same time as your new bundle of love! How perfect!
Being pregnant is a beautiful, magnificent and amazing time. It can be very trying and taxing at times too and sometimes it has some not so good moments. Having a maternity photography experiences ensure you capture the beautiful moments and are able to treasure them forever! Remember though... we book up sometimes months in advance! So to ensure you don't miss out on capturing this amazing time... book in around 25-28 weeks pregnant! <3