As a photographer, I am always seeing posts asking for recommendations that don’t ‘charge an arm or a leg’. At first I used to find it quite offensive, but then I realised that the general population don’t see photography the same way as photographers do or maybe just don’t have the knowledge we do… and of course… with good reason! But I wanted to write a blog to let you know a little bit more about these supposed arm and leg dealers!
So firstly, we don’t charge arms and legs because lets face it, they don’t pay bills. Even if you have lovely defined arms or legs that go for miles… we still can’t pay the Telstra bill with them! I’m sure they are amazing though!
Now, as any other business, photographers have bills to pay. Some would even say more because we are constantly having to update our gear, service it and buy new products to ensure we are giving YOU, our clients… the best quality we can. As much as we hate to admit it… that comes with a price tag… and a hefty one at that! My camera gear alone (2 bodies & 4 lenses are worth around $17,000… and that’s JUST that gear. Thats not all the other gear I have, plus programs etc etc you get the drift! Not to mention, it is looking to cost me around $13,000 to upgrade to some of the latest and best gear to ensure you guys have the best of the best! Because that’s what I want for my people!
I find it funny (not really funny… more annoyance than funny really) that the creative industries are so often underpriced, undervalued and under utilised. Especially the photography industry. We will happily spend $2000+ on a new phone, $4000 on a computer or $40000-50000 on a brand new car… all of which last only a few years (ok so cars maybe a little longer!) BUT… you are not willing to spend money on memories that will last through the generations!? This doesn’t make sense to me!
I get we live in the technology world… where with our smart phones, we can capture every moment of every day. BUT… and yes there is a BIG BUTT... WE are NEVER in them! Not properly! They are snapshots of a life… a selfie taken with a forehead cut off or at a different angle because that’s what you’ve discovered is your best side… But how often are you truly IN the photo. Like I mean, fully, 100% present and enjoying the moment. Not just holding a phone up and taking a snap with a funny filter on it or the best pout! Us mums… we are the WORST! Always snapping away of our kids & partners… but never being truly in the moment with them. Always one step removed. Not existing in life.
Do you think in 50 years time, when you have passed on, and your kids are looking back through photo albums (or microchip memories in their head by then!) that they’re going to want to see the hundreds of times that they were swimming at the beach? Or the time they ran around butt naked in the backyard? Or do you think they’ll want to see memories with YOU IN THEM TOO!? I know with 100% certainty what that answer is. As much as you might question it… I will guarantee… they will want to see the memories of YOU with them. Enjoying life together… not just being a person behind the camera. A faint and fading memory!
So that’s what we’re here for! We’re here to capture that magic. Freeze those moments in time where you exist with your loved ones. Memories that can then be cherished forever… literally for generations to come!
There will ALWAYS be a maybe when… but if you don’t jump now… you never will. You’ll always need to lose ‘another 5kg’… or once you can afford to go to the hairdresser. Or some other equally as crappy excuse. And I can say that with all my heart because you know why? I USED TO BE THAT PERSON! I was NEVER happy with myself. Always wanted to lose more weight, have a better haircut, finances are too tight blah blah blah. I GET IT!
But you know what I realised!? My daughter doesn’t give a royal CRAP if Im a size 8 or an 18. She doesn’t care if I have grey hairs. She doesn’t care that my tooth is missing, or we ‘can’t afford it - yet we both have iPhone 8 & X’s!! All she gives a crap about, is that I EXIST with her! WITH her in life. Not half asking it behind a phone… and being only half way present. She wants me to truly be living the moment, enjoy the time… not worrying about the best angles! The reality of life is, none of know what life has in store for us. None of us know just how long we’ll be blessed to be on this earth… But those who love us… those who want us to be present… don’t want to be thinking back with what if’s and should have’s. Because once that moment is gone… it is gone.
We can always say next time… but there may not BE a next time.
It wasn’t until my daughter was much older that I got pissed off with myself for not being smarter. So many memories gone because I had crappy ideas of what I was supposed to be / look like. No maternity photos because ‘I’ll do it next time’… no baby photos cos ‘I couldn’t afford it so I’ll do it next time’… GUESS WHAT! There WAS no next time. My beautiful daughter was to be my only blessed child… and that was not in ‘THE PLAN’… so I am so grateful for her… But we missed so much because I came up with shitty excuses and why I can’t…
So the buck stops NOW!
INVEST in your family! Invest in yourself. Invest in your future and the generations that are going to follow… and want to know who you were.
If you ‘Can’t afford it’… TALK TO ME! We can work out a payment plan that suits your budget. Time is PRICELESS!
I have so many options that help fix all the crap we keep telling ourselves.
Take-home lay-by through PayRight
Take-home lay-by through Humm
Direct Debit
Credit Card
I can make it work for you, because I know how important it is to not miss these moments. You can’t get them back.
Don’t be another missed memory because you don’t want to pay with arms and legs! Because I don’t want your arms and legs either!
I simply want to do what I love and that is creating connections and memories that can be treasured. Capturing connection makes my heart and soul happy. Natural, loving everyday moments… The stuff that dreams are made of!
So I put it to you… if you have an extra few kgs you want to lose, bookings for a month or 2 time. Make that your special gift for the achievement.
If you ‘can’t afford it’… sit down and talk to me and we’ll see how we can work it in to your budget so that you can have the dream.
Nothing is beyond your reach… if you are willing to put your head out of it and go with your heart!
Be present. Exist. Don’t miss the memories because of doubts!
I hope to hear from you soon… and just know, I’ll be doing a silent scream (sometimes not so silent) every time I see someone not wanting to pay with arms or legs!!
And I hope every time you think to write that… you’ll get a little giggle over my internal screams!
I look forward to hearing from you x